How Travelzoo promo codes work

Sep 6, 2022

We guarantee our deals are lowest-priced in market. That means you won’t find the exact same deal for the exact same dates with the exact same inclusions for a lower price. And most deals we publish are discounted at 30% or better. On top of that, if you are holding a Travelzoo discount code (we call it a promo code), you’re holding a coupon to even greater savings!

How to redeem a promo code

You may have received a promo code via email or a gift card, or perhaps through a special promotion online. To redeem, find an awesome offer, select your voucher option, and then click the Continue button to check out. To apply your promo code to your purchase, enter your code in the “Do you have a promo code?” field. The discount will then be deducted from your purchase total.

If the value of the Travelzoo promo code is less than the total cost of the voucher, you will pay the remaining difference. If the value of the promo code is more than the cost of your voucher, no residual value remains (we’re sorry about that). Purchases made directly on a merchant’s website or third-party website are excluded, and the code is not valid on existing purchases or hotel reservations made directly on Travelzoo’s hotel booking platform (only hotel voucher purchases are eligible).

Travelzoo’s promo codes are valid for one-time use only, and have a set expiry date, typically one year or longer. Our discount codes are only applicable on voucher purchases (restaurants, spas, lifestyle activities) or Travelzoo hotel voucher deals. Please see our full terms and conditions at

Happy travels!

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