The Alternative Guide to… Germany

06 Jun 2016

Germany at a Glance

Capital city: Berlin
Population: 81.5 million
Local currency: euro (£1 = 1.31€)
Famous face: Albert Einstein, famed for developing the general theory of relativity and having pretty awesome hair

5 things you never knew about Germany

If you like Barbie dolls, and, like most people, have a passion for German politics, then it would make perfect sense to combine your twin loves and get yourself a special edition that was modelled on the German chancellor, Angela Merkel (main picture, above).

In Germany, remember to keep your windows closed. People tend to believe that open ones can cause illness, due to "luftzug", so much so that doctors give sick notes to patients with stiff necks caused by a draught.

Germany is credited with starting the tradition of decorating Christmas trees.

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Prostitution is legal in Germany. The city of Bonn even taxes it - sex workers are required to purchase tickets in advance from special sex meters.

If you fancy trying to learn some German, you might find it tricky, thanks to words such as the 49-letter Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitaenswitwe (widow of a Danube steamboat company captain) and the slightly more pronounceable Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung (automobile liability insurance) gracing the language.

National dish

Currywurst. This dish, which consists of a steamed and then fried bratwurst (sausage) served with a spiced ketchup, is sort of, kind of, perhaps, possibly, maybe a little bit British. Currywurst is believed to have originated in 1949 when Herta Heuwer, a kiosk owner in Berlin, combined some curry powder with ketchup she received from British soldiers stationed in the country.

If you see one thing in Germany, make sure it’s…

... Oktoberfest, the beer festival that takes place annually in the city of Munich in the month of… September. There is plenty of beer drinking, singing, fairground rides, beer, folk music, sausages, beer and... did we mention that there's plenty of beer?

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