Parent Trap Survey: Families & Teachers Have their Say

22 Jul 2015
Travelzoo has conducted new research with UK parents and teachers to find out what they really think about the fines parents risk if they take their children out of school during term time for a holiday.

In the video below, you'll hear the views of one mother who is pressing ahead with her term-time holiday plans, despite the possibility that she will face legal action as a result...

What do parents think?

  • One in eight state-school parents are considering taking their children out of school in the last week of term to get a cheaper holiday
  • 20% of parents have already lied to their children’s school in order to avoid fines for taking them out of school during term time and over 50% would be willing to do this in the coming months.

What do teachers think?

  • Eight out of 10 teachers admitted that missing the last few days of school won’t damage a child’s education
  • Nearly two thirds of teachers said that children would be playing games instead of teaching lessons on the last few days of term and more than half revealed they would be putting on a DVD for the class
  • Half of teachers feel the fines are impacting their relationships with pupils families
How do you feel about fines for parents who take their kids out of school during term time? Let us know in the comments area below.

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